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OUR main focus is to address how lupus is directly affecting families. We hope to have more people advocating for lupus by putting together more lupus social meetings and events that will bring people together for a better understanding of this deadly disease.


We are aiming to accomplish more FUNDING for RESEARCH. More funding for our organization to be able to help the less fortunate with lupus to still be able to survive financially while living with Lupus. Are goals are to be able to help other small 501(c)(3) Lupus charities learn how to make their network be their net-worth for their organization.


We hope to do more collaborations with Lupus organizations around the world that have a similar mission to ours. 


Our plans include:

*Inviting more Lupus survivors and Charities out to our annual events.

*Cross promote and help one another to reach their goals.

*Helping Lupus Survivors understand its ok to tell your story 

*Continued Awareness on all platforms we receive 

*Putting out more updated information about Lupus

*More events to help spread awareness


We have been capable in reaching our goals by hosting an annual charity event that allows us to bring people from all walks of life together to learn more about lupus. They are encouraged to meet and mingle with the survivors to hear their story's.


We hope their meetings will encourage those who's never heard of lupus want to be more involved with our awareness for it.


Our progress shows by:

-The number of people who subscribe to our network and email list

-The amount of money raised for our organization

-The amount of people who attend our events


We are very proud for our accomplishments. We are in our 7th year of hosting our annual celebrity charity  basketball event called "Balling For Lupus" because of our organizations founders, hard working staff, family, friends and celebrity influencers, we have been able to raise more awareness and funds for Lupus. We have reached goals that we weren't sure about and have connected with those who didn't know about or didn't understand lupus. We've been able to help lupus warriors be more vocal about their disease and connect long lasting bonds and relationships. We are proud to be able to bring businesses, congress men and women, community leaders, celebrities, the young and old together to help us fight this deadly disease.  

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